Author Guidelines
International Journal of
Chemistry and Aquaticsciences ( ISSN:2455-040X) is published
1.International Journal of Chemistry & Aquasciences publishes
original research papers on topics in the field of chemistry,
Aquatic sciences
2. Papers should be written in English.
3. Manuscripts submitted for publication should be typewritten
with double spacing and broad margins. The pages must be
numbered. The title page should contain: full title, name(s) of
author(s), name(s) and address(es) of the institute where the
study was carried out, name, address and e-mail address of
corresponding author.
4. Manuscripts should be submitted preferentially by email as an
attached Word file (including Figures; max. 2 Mb.
5. Manuscripts should be preceded by an abstract containing a
summary of the aims, the results and the conclusions of the
study. The abstract should not exceed 200 words, and should be
followed by a list of key words (max 4).
6. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals
and bear a legend at the top. They are to be attached to the end
of the manuscript. In the text they are referred to as "Tab. 1"
7. Figures should be cited consecutively in the text by Arabic
numerals (Fig. 1)
8. The scientific names of species and genus should be written
by Italic font.
9. There are four categories of contributions
- Primary Research papers (<25 printed pages)
- Short Communication (2−4 printed pages)
- Review papers (<25 printed pages)
- Opinion papers (2−4 printed pages)
10. The approximate position of each figure or table should be
indicated in the manuscript.
11. References in the text should be cited in the following
Lappin and Swinney (1999)
(Lappin and Swinney, 1999)
In case of more than two authors, the name of the first author
followed by et al. is to be used.
12. At the end of the paper, references should be arranged in
alphabetical order of authors names.
References should be cited as follows:
Journal article:
Van Der Geer J., Hanraads J.A.J. and Lupton R.A. (2000) The art
of writing a scientific article. Journal of Science
Communication, 163: 51-59.
Darwin C. (1874) The descent of man, and selection in relation
to sex. 2d ed. John Murray, London.
Anderson M. (1994) Sexual Selection. Princeton University Press,
Bengtson D.A., Leger P.H. and Sorgeloos P. (1991) Use of Artemia
as a food source for aquaculture. In: Bengtson, Sorgeloos and
Trotman (eds) Artemia Biology, CRC Press, Florida, U.S.A.:
Conference Abstract:
Yousefi M., Rafiee M.R. and Sokhansanj A. (2007) Molecular Study
on Salt-Resistance in a Moderately Halophilic Bacterium;
Halomonas ventosae Isolated from Urmia Salt Lake. II
International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and
Applied Microbiology, Seville (Spain), 236.
13. Authors can suggest four referees (with email addresses).
14. Authors will have to transfer the copyright of their article
to the Publisher.
15. Manuscripts should be submitted via email attachment to
Publication fee: 1000Rs for Indian Authors and 50 US$ for Foreign Aauthors for online only (No Other Hidden Fees)
Free e-certificate for Individual Authors