You must do the following in Covering letter during the Submission of article :

You must give the declaration as to the authenticity of the work that you submit. This declaration should state that your article or work submitted for publication in KY Journals is an original work by you and that you have duly acknowledged the work or works of others you either cited or used in writing your articles, etc.
A model covering letter

 This is to certify that the article ……. submitted for publication in KY Publications Journals is an original work by me/us based on my/our research, that I/we have duly acknowledged in the said paper the work or works of others I/we used in writing this article, that I/we have duly cited all such work/s in the text as well as in the list of references, and that I/we have presented within quotes all the original sentences and phrases, etc. taken from the sources that I/we have consulted in writing this article.

I/we further declare that the paper submitted for
publication in KY Publications Journals has not been previously published, is not currently submitted for review to any other journal, and will not be submitted elsewhere before a decision is made by this journal.

I/we also declare that I/we will pay the publication fee for the article (specified in the Guidelines) as and when my paper is accepted for publication in KY Publications Journals